Whether you look at pro sports or high school and JV tournaments, the sporting world is tough and competitive. That’s why when athletes have to contend with sports injuries, the pressure is on to make sure that they get back into the game quickly.
However, most physical therapists will warn against that since returning to a competitive sport after a serious injury can have long-lasting effects on the body. Here’s what you should know about how sports injuries treatment works.
There’s More to It Than Surgery
Depending on the type of sports injury you suffered from, you may need surgery or medical interventions like casts and braces. However, there’s a lot more that you need to do before you can step back into the field.
When an appendage heals from an injury enough for you to start going through with your normal routine, that doesn’t account for the intense amount of stress that your body deals with during a game. You need to make sure you start sports injury rehab before you can get back to playing without the risk of repeated injury.
How Physical Therapy Works to Rehabilitate
Physical therapy can perform a number of functions. It can relieve pain, facilitate flexibility, build strength, and provide learned skills that prevent injury. Depending on your needs, your PT treatment may perform all of these. For example, if you had knee surgery, then post-operative rehab can include helping you walk again slowly.
On the other hand, if you’ve had a severe muscle tear that’s been exacerbated by repeated strain, then you may need treatment for musculoskeletal pain and better flexibility both. Physical therapy will help you address the multiple dimensions of your specific injuries.
Why You Need to Practice Before You Compete
Many athletes make the mistake of starting off their return with a game. That’s the wrong approach since you have to regain your strength slowly. This means starting off with practices where you can take it easy and take breaks if needed.
This will also help you evaluate your strength and test out the area where you were injured to see how much force it can bear. Rehabilitation is a process, and if you want to avoid being at risk for repeated injuries due to weakness, you should honor the process.
Managing Your Return to the Competition
If you’re feeling iffy about how to finally start competing again, the best way to do it is to work with your coach, therapist, and teammates to find the best route for you. This can look like changing your position on the field for a short while or strategizing new maneuvers that work better for your abilities now.
With our physical therapists in Augusta, you can navigate this transition effectively. We make sure to go above and beyond with our services so as to serve you in the best way possible.
We also offer physical therapy services for women and programs for active living for seniors in Augusta, GA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.