Many new runners underestimate how much training and strength is needed to prevent injury. While running seems like a low-risk activity, it can strain the muscles and joints in your body. Building flexibility and strength is the key to avoid injuries such as IT band syndrome.
Let’s take a closer look at what this condition is and how to prevent it so you can avoid downtime during the running season.
What is IT band syndrome?
The iliotibial band (IT band) is a piece of tissue that runs along the side of the thigh, starting from the hip to the lower part of the knee. Tightness in muscle tendons connecting to the IT band and faulty leg mechanics are the root cause behind IT band syndrome.
Overuse and repetitive use without training can cause the IT band to become irritated, tight, and inflamed. This can cause friction in the knee that can be painful when you move. Sometimes, the pain can also travel to the hip.
Risk factors of IT band syndrome
IT band syndrome is more common in cyclists and runners who require repetitive leg motion. However, it can even occur in people who continuously walk up and down stairs, sit with bent knees for long periods, and wear high heels.
Risk factors include:
- Prior knee injury
- Weak abdominal, gluteal, or hip muscles
- Walking uphill
- Knee arthritis
- Excessive sitting
- Repetitive leg motion
How to restore mechanics after an injury?
In most cases, the hip external rotators and gluteal muscles are weak, which causes the knees to get too close or hips to drop and smack together. Exercise, as instructed by a physical therapist, can help you build proper strength and reduce the risk of knee collapse.
A custom treatment plan will likely include stretches at first, which can be gradually scaled up. After this, you can include runs and workouts in your daily regimen, including strength training exercises.
If you’re experiencing pain after a workout or intense sports activity, consulting a therapist can be the right call to make. If you start working with a physical therapist the minute your pain starts limiting proper movement, you improve the chances of a quicker recovery.
At Healing Hands, we offer specialized physical therapy in Augusta targeted at certain groups too. Our sports injury rehab utilizes techniques that work best for athletes and can help you regain your strength and get back on the track safely.
Learn about our many kinds of services or schedule an appointment by contacting us here.