Physical therapy is beneficial for seniors in improving strength, balance, mobility and overall fitness.
Healing Hands Physical Therapy Augusta and Thomson Georgia
Top Rated Physical Therapy Clinic in Augusta and Thomson GA
Physical therapy is beneficial for seniors in improving strength, balance, mobility and overall fitness.
Physical therapy strengthens back support and resistance, increases flexibility and eases inflammation.
Over the last decade, musculoskeletal ailments have grown by 25 percent globally. In countries like the US, where our demographic changes indicate an aging population, the instance of musculoskeletal disorders are even higher.
To prevent these issues, it’s important to understand how age-related changes affect bones and joints. Let’s take a look.
With about 16 million adults experiencing chronic, serious back pain every year, this is no longer an issue that can be dismissed as a consequence of being an adult. Experiencing back pain has been so normalized that we don’t even think about how to resolve it when we feel it.
Although many people may experience back and neck pain in relation to a severe injury or underlying medical condition that requires medication and surgery — so many people also deal with more benign kinds of back pain that only reduces the quality of life.
Remember that you don’t have to live in a physical state where even mild exertion causes intense pain. Consult with our physical therapists in Augusta instead for the following types of back pain.
If you’ve ever played sports , gone running/walking, or taken a tumble, there’s a good chance you have dealt with the infamous “Sprained Ankle”.
Physical therapy has a lot of benefits such as to relieve pain, improving balance and improve mobility.